Sunday, June 21, 2009

+Qayah & Azahari+

Indeed a really bright theme color wedding. It is striking enough, it can blurred one eyes just looking at the striking through theme wedding. Hehehehe Qayah was the bride, that requested a kind of odd color for a wedding theme. Seriously. At first, when she came to me and requested the color, I was shocked! Just because not everyone are daring enough to use a bright color for her wedding.

And furthermore, she wanted the hantaran in basket. The lot of it. So it is bright and big! She has asked me to do her hantaran 1 month before. Though it is quite messy to wrap all the basket, I manage to do it.

The baskets are provided by the bride. She recyle back her brother's wedding hantaran. So it is quite tough for me to do it. Simply because all the existing deco and glue. I had to tore apart the deco first, then I have to start from scratch. But then, it saddens me when I received this picca, the ribbons are menggelebeh and all. Sangat frustrating. It lower my credibility as the one who make it. Sedey. Nevertheless alhamdulillah, at first when I send those hantaran the feedback was super duper good! :)) Cumanya maybe kalut ker apa, those ribbons were not in order. Tulah saper suruh tak ambik pic awal2 kan? Padan muka.. Huhuhuhuhuhu

plz click to enlarge


..Kak fara, terima kasih banyak2 atas segalanya. Hantaran sangat lawa. Nanti lepas kenduri, nak suh Azahari return balik semua bakul2 tuh. Sebab lawa sangat. Souvenir tetamu pun simple dan chantek. Terima kasih banyak2...

p/s: Will upload the simple favors..if time permits..InsyaAllah

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

+Mek Ti & Yus+

Mek Ti is actually my husband's cousin. She wanted a simple favor, for her to bring to reception on her husband side. Normally we'll bring the bunga pahar. But since her rombongan is all the from Kelantan, so she asked me to do simple favor such as fruits and cakes/cookies/bahulu. I choosed cakes in cuppies version.

Ti also wanted a simple mix of white and blue. It was a last minute request. Is like the occasion is on Saturday..and she requested it on Thursday. Luckily she wanted only 2. Alhamdulillah, the feedback was good.

from left a simple design of cuppies in round transparent plastic and baskets for fruits. the cuppies are done by me.. :) ..pls ignore the mess yaa.. :P

close up on cuppies..

close up on the simple last minute flower arrangement for the basket

......kak..terima kasih kerana tolong buatkan walaupun last minit..tq tq tq..giler banyak riben.. untung la pihak lelaki...

p/s: And again I feel old whenever someone called me kak.. hehehehhe sangat tak sedar diri kan..?? heheheh

Sunday, June 14, 2009

+Amerr & Hanizam+

+the mix of green+cream+silver+

Green is not my cup of tea. Heeheheh But then I have to make a green theme..just because the groom loves the color. He is actually my BIL. At first, I wanted to make some sort of english theme for his wedding. But since this is his day, I bowed to his request. Alhamdulillah, the feedback was good. And I somehow manage to blend the colors.

I hev to admit.. I was blur at first.. Heheheh.. but then.. I had a splendid time doing it. Plus I can explore new design that I was dying to do. But then, I after I finish it.. I tend to forget to snap one by one bad huh..

my first ever green hantaran from 1st on right the bunga rampai with cheque, escada perfumes & toileteries set, braun buffel handbag, telekung, kain pasang & tudung, cuppies in tin (tin by sis faizah), sirih not so junjung and bunga pahar.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

+Azahari & Qayah+

+the gold+cream+flammy red theme+

May was indeed a hectic month for me. It is because I have 3 wedding hantaran to do and not forgotten the wedding favors as well. (Nasib baiklah the favors was meant for the rombongan jer..hehehe) But it was fun, since I enjoyed doing it so much. Thank you so much for my dearest husband for not complaining and the endless support..

please click to enlarge

close up on the cuppies box and the deco as well. the cuppies are marvelously done by our local, kak aimi from kamalina cakes. trust me! the cuppies are super enjoyed by the bride and groom and family...

Hantaran ini was indeed from Azahari for Qayah. Thank you so much for trusting my capabilities. And I do enjoyed doing it very much! :))))


"...Kak, kawan rumah nih cakap..lawanya hantaran dari pihak lelaki. Selalu pihak lelaki, hantaran dia biasa2 jer. Terima kasih yer kak.."

As for me, all my hardwork are paid out when I received the sms. No money in world are equal with a simple gratitude... :)

p/s: Terasa diri ini sudah tua sangat biler dipanggil kakak... hehehehehhe

Stay tuned for next hantaran.